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Business MeetUps With Andy Bowyer

Relationship. Image. Trustworthiness. These were some of the words emphasised by Andy Bowyer at the Business MeetUps, held August 16 at Shamiyat Restaurant in Schifflange. The CEO and co-founder of the space company, KLEOS, was guest to the business event organised by Touchpoints ASBL to inspire and inform budding entrepreneurs.

The space engineer stressed that companies, irrespective of their size or area of operation, are characterised by similar risks and challenges. He explained further with the example of financing of business activities. Whereas a big company may need millions and a small restaurant, thousands, proprietors of both will be faced with similar challenges in finding investors. The same goes for finding clients, he added. He advised that an entrepreneur should be trustworthy, develop a positive self-image and seek genuine relationships with people.

The creation of Shamiyat Restaurant by Mohammed Shadi al-Halabi and Mohammed Arak reflects some of Mr Bowyer’s recommendations. Their efforts in networking through participation in events and image building culminated with the implementation of the restaurant project. The restaurant provided a relaxed and friendly atmosphere for a successful event and they served delicious intercontinental dishes that were well received by participants.


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