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Touchpoints Business MeetUps is a series of discussions with real entrepreneurs, designed to inspire and inform. Budding entrepreneurs get the opportunity to learn from established entrepreneurs and relevant industry experts how they can realise their business ideas.

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Introduction to entrepreneurship in Luxembourg for newcomers

With "Sleeves Up", Touchpoints asbl proposes a training cycle that prepares candidates for the creation of their own business in the field of local trade and/or craft or, if necessary, prepares them to integrate existing courses ...


The CFE (Centre For Entrepreneurship) Refugee Entrepreneurship Network (REN) is a global community working to improve the scale and impact of refugee entrepreneurship programs.

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SCORE - Access to professional banking services

SCORE is a project created in direct response to the prevailing difficulties encountered by many [and especially by migrant] business owners in Luxembourg to open a business bank account. The project ended on December 31st, 2022.

Perceptions Exhibition
November 2017 at Clerveux Castle

In order to facilitate integration into the labour market, Beneficiaries of International Protection (BPIs) receive assistance from public authorities and social sector associations in finding work. Once they sign a work contract, however, assistance is terminated because the BPI no longer appear to need support. However, in truth, genuine workplace ...

Perceptions Exhibition
November 2017 at Clerveux Castle

We interpret the world around us according to our personality, our experience and our cultural background. This means that two people can contemplate the same object and see two totally different things. This functioning of the human mind becomes clear when people of different cultural backgrounds must agree on complex and subjective topics as religion, gender equality or the education of children.



© 2023  TOUCHPOINTS asbl


Touchpoints is a member of the Greater Social and Solidarity Economy Cluster and the Refugee Entrepreneurship Network.

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