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Pilot Project INTER-C and its evolution into a permanent service at Fondation EPI

Generally, Beneficiaries of International Protection (BPIs) receive assistance from public authorities and social sector associations in finding work and facilitating their integration in Luxembourg. In truth, once they sign a work contract, most of this assistance is terminated. The result of this is usually an incomplete integration process and quite often, a loss of the job due to poor understanding, mismatched expectations between the employers and newcomers, amongst other factors.  Sadly, the story ends disappointingly for all parties involved.


With this in mind, in 2018, Touchpoints ASBL and the EPI Foundation decided to pool resources and expertise together in creating and implementing a project that could support the socio-economic and cultural integration of newcomers and BPIs in Luxembourg beyond singing a job contract. The result of this partnership is the pilot project, INTER-C (interculturality, but the “C” also stands for connection, cohesion, creativity and coaching). With INTER-C, social, cultural and economic integration are inseparable and therefore promoted through the work environment. There is no doubt that the integration of refugees and newcomers in Luxembourg is a complex process requiring time. Through the INTER-C project, better results have been achieved by offering customised support for each individual BPI, employer, host community and other stakeholders.


After a pilot phase from 2018 to 2020, Fondation EPI was able to conclude an agreement with the Ministry of Labor, Employment and the Solidarity and Social Economy (MTEESS) which has enabled the establishment of the permanent Inter-C Service.


To learn more about the new Inter-C services at Fondation EPI visit the dedicated website through the link below 

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© 2023  TOUCHPOINTS asbl


Touchpoints is a member of the Greater Social and Solidarity Economy Cluster and the Refugee Entrepreneurship Network.

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